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Welcome to our print for profit donation page!
We're thrilled to introduce our special watermelon print bamboo pajama, where 100% of the profits go directly to supporting the children of Palestine. Join us in making a difference while enjoying cozy comfort with our pajama collection.


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Below you will find a couple topics that share more information on our print, the PCRF and how you can continue using your voice for humanity.


Where the profits are going

The PCRF, or Palestine Children's Relief Fund, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical and humanitarian assistance to children in the Middle East, specifically in Palestine. They offer crucial medical care, surgeries, and humanitarian aid to children regardless of their nationality, religion, or race. PCRF focuses on improving the quality of life for children affected by conflict, poverty, and limited access to healthcare.


About the Watermelon

The watermelon has been a symbol of Palestinian solidarity since the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel banned public displays of the Palestinian flag in Gaza and the West Bank after seizing control of the areas. Palestinians began using the watermelon, which bears the colors of the Palestinian flag—red, black, white, and green—to get around the law.


Call for ceasefire

Calling for a ceasefire now is crucial to halt the devastating cycle of violence, protect innocent lives, and create space for dialogue and diplomacy. It's an urgent step towards alleviating human suffering, fostering stability, and paving the way for peaceful negotiations to address underlying issues and seek long-term solutions for the Palestinian people to exist collectively.

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